Dr. Luis Ernesto González Sánchez
Neurólogo - Neurofisiólogo - Internista

Teléfono de consultas en línea: 78361213
Estudios Superiores
- Graduado de la Universidad Evangélica de El Salvador (1981-1988).
- Post-Grados:
- Medicina Interna: Hospital Médico-Quirúrgico del Instituto Salvadoreño del Seguro Social.(1989-1991).
- Neurología: Hospital Médico-Quirúrgico del Instituto Salvadoreño del Seguro Social. San Salvador, El Salvador, Centroamérica (1992-1993).
- Neurofisiología: Hospital Clinic i Provincial y la Universidad de Barcelona. en las áreas de:
- Neurofisiología:
- Periférica
- Central, movimientos anormales
- EEG Convencional
- Somnologia: Estudios especializados de sueño, insomnio, parasomniaspolisomnografía intrahospitalaria y ambulatoria, ventilación no invasiva.
- Epileptología: Entrenamiento obtenido: Neurofisiólogo con post grado en epilepsia y video monitorización intensiva.
- Master en electrodiagnóstico en Barcelona, 2007, 2010.
- Funcion autonómica
Trabajo y Cargos Actuales
- Neurólogo del Instituto de Ciencias Neurológicas del El Salvador. Plaza Villaviciencio 2º piso local 7, teléfono: 22 63 13 42, 22 6363 98.
- Neurofisiólogo del Instituto de Ciencias Neurológicas del El Salvador.
encargado de:
- Unidad de polisomnografía y neurofisiología del Instituto de Neurociencias.
- Laboratorio de función autonómica.
- Miembro (re-electro en tercer período) de la Junta Directiva de la Asociación de Medicina Interna de El Salvador (ASOMIES) encargado de la Educación e Investigación Médica Periodo 2011-2016.
- Miembro del comité directivo de la Asociación de Ciencias Neurológica de El Salvador. Coordinación de Docencia.
- Staff del aula Virtual de la asociación de medicina interna del El Salvador, desde julio del 2017.
- Miembro del comité de ética médica y deontología del Colegio Medico del El Salvador, por elección de delegados para el periodo 2018-2020.
- Profesor de Neurociencias de la Universidad Matías Delgado para estudiantes de medicina en pregrado desde 2010 a la fecha.
- Miembro de la Junta Directiva de la Asociación de Ciencias Neurológicas de El Salvador ACNES periodo 2019-2021.
- Presidente de la Asociación de Ciencia Neurológicas de El Salvador período: 2023-2025.
Afiliaciones a Sociedades Médicas
- Miembro del colegio médico del El Salvador. No. 2396.
- Miembro de la Asociación de Medicina Interna de El Salvador (12 de diciembre de 1992).
- Miembro de la Asociación de Ciencias Neurológicas del El Salvador. Inscripción septiembre de 1998.
- Miembro de la Junta Directiva de la Asociación de Medicina Interna de El Salvador (ASOMIES) encargado de la Educación e Investigación Médica Período 2011-2013.
- Miembro de Reseach Gate como investigador en ciencias neurológicas, sueño y neurofisiología.
- Miembro del Club Español de Electromiografía. Aceptado el 26 de dic de 1995.
- Miembro de la Sociedad Española de Neurología desde 1995.
- Miembro de la Sociedad Latinoamericana de Medicina Interna (SOLAMI), desde el año 2012.
- Miembro de la Academia Norteamericana de Neurología, desde Julio del 2017.
Trabajos Publicados y Ponencias a Congresos (múltiples), Actividades CME (actividad de Educación Médica Continua Certificada)
Artículos en revistas internacionales con revisión por pares: 17
Abstract en congresos nacionales e internacionales: 8
Créditos de educación médica continúa de la academia norteamericana de neurología (AAN) y AMA (American Medical Association): >50 créditos/año.
- Año 1992
- Parálisis hipokalémica e hipertiroidismo. Reporte de 3 casos. Presentado en el III congreso de investigación del Hospital médico-quirúrgico del ISSS, Hotel Presidente en San Salvador el 8 de diciembre de 1992.
- Parálisis hipokalémica e hipertiroidismo. Reporte de 3 casos. Presentado en el III congreso de investigación del Hospital médico-quirúrgico del ISSS, Hotel Presidente en San Salvador el 8 de diciembre de 1992.
- Año 1994
- Asimetría lateromedial en las alteraciones electrofisiológicas del síndrome del canal carpiano. González-Sánchez LE; Valls-Solé-J; Obach-V. Neurología 1994(9)10:63.
- Método electromiográfico en la evaluación de la arritmia cardíaca durante la respiración basal. González-Sánchez-LE; Valls-Solé-J. Neurología 1994(9)10:480.
- Respuesta sudomotora simpático cutánea en pacientes con síndrome de Walllenberg. Obach-V; Vila-N; González-Sánchez-LE; Muñoz-E; Valls-Solé-J. Neurología 1994(9)10:62.
- Año 1995
- Anal sphincter electromyography and test of autonomic nervous function in patiens with progressive spranuclear palsy (PSP), multisystem atrophy (MSA) and Parkinson`sdisease (PD). Valldeoriola-F; Valls-Solé-J; González-Sánchez-LE; Marti-MJ; Tolosa-ES. Movement Disorders 1994;(9):99,(p44).Año 1995
- Correlación clínica de la afectación de la respuesta sudomotora simpática cutánea en Esclerosis Múltiple. González-Sánchez-LE; Valls-Solé-J, Graus-F. Neurología 1995;(10)10:430.
- Predominio de la disfunción simpática sobre la parasimpática en el trastorno disautonómico de pacientes con Esclerosis Múltiple.
González-Sánchez-LE; Valls-Solé-J. Neurología 1995;(10)10:404. - Denervación cardíaca. Imagen del mes. González-Sánchez-LE; Valls-Solé-J. Neurología 1995;(10)2:100
- Incremento del Flujo fronto-temporal perilesional asociado a PLED's. Fabregat-N; González-Sánchez-LE; CR de la Rosa; Setoin-J; Aguas-J. Rev Neurología 1995;(23)124:1257.
- Prevalencia de amiloidosis Beta-2 microglobulina en la población infantil hemodializada crónicamente. Garcez-Reyes-NC; González-Sánchez-LE; Montesinos-M; Collado; Valls-Solé-J; Overol-j; Bishop-E; Campistol-M. Presentado en la XI reunión anual de la sociedad catalana de neurología el 26 de mayo de 1995 en Port D’AiguaDolC(Sitges), Barcelona, España.
- Estudio dinámico de la onda H en pacientes afectos de claudicación neurógena. Pastor-P; Valls-Solé-J; González-Sánchez-LE: Grau-M; Moya-F. Neurología 1995;(10)10:445.
- Empeoramiento transitorio post-transplante de los signos electrofisiológicos de la polineuropatía en diabéticos con insuficiencia renal. Fabregat-N; González-Sánchez-LE; Gómez-E; Ricart-E; Esmatjes-E; Valls-Solé-J. Neurología 1995;(10)10:444.
- Reflejos de tronco cerebral en pacientes con síndrome de Wallemberg. Valls-Solé-J; Vila-N; Obach-V; Alvarez-R; González-Sánchez-LE; Chamorro-A. Neurología 1995;(10)10:444 (Aceptado en Muscle and Nerve, 1995).
- Reacction Time and acoustic startle in normal human subjects. F Valls-Solé-J; Solé-A; Valldeoriola-F; Muñoz-E; González-Sánchez-LE; Tolosa-ES. Neuroscience Letters 1995;(195):1-4.
- Año 1997
- Convulsiones, diagnostico diferencial y abordaje terapéutico. Ponencia impartida en el Congreso Nacional de Medina Interna de El Salvador, en el Hotel Presidente, el día 12 de Noviembre de 1996.
- Utilidad de la polisomnografía en enfermedades del sueño. Conferencia impartida en el Ier Congreso Latinoamericano de Psiquiatría impartido en el El Salvador, Hotel Camino Real 13 de Septiembre de 1997.
- Año 1998
- Tratamiento medico de epilepsias refractarias”. González-Sánchez-LE, G. Escobar 1998. Vida y Salud;(7) año 2: 6-8.
- Tratamiento medico de epilepsias refractarias”. González-Sánchez-LE, G. Escobar 1998. Vida y Salud;(7) año 2: 6-8.
- Año 2005
- Integridad aferente multimodal del tronco cerebral en grave mielinolisis pontina central González-Sánchez-LE, Dr. Alfaro Román, Dra. Lorena Flores, Dr. Jorge Vidaurre, Dr. Hugo Alemán. Trabajo en poster presentado en el XII Congreso centroamericano de Neurología, Septiembre, 01 del 2005.
- Disfunción Autonómica Reversible del Seno Carotideo en Hipoglucemia Reactiva. González-Sánchez-LE, Dr. Hugo Villarroel Ábrego. Trabajo en poster presentado en el XII Congreso Centroamericano de Neurología, Septiembre 01 del 2005.
- Efecto C-Flex en el manejo de autoset en apneas. Dr. Luis Ernesto González Sánchez, Dr. Luís Francisco González Molina. Trabajo en plataforma presentado en el XII Congreso Centroamericano de Neurología, Septiembre 01 del 2005.
- Disfunción autonómica en síndrome de Brugada. Dr. Luís Ernesto González Sánchez, Dr.Hugo Villarroel Abrego. Trabajo en plataforma presentado en el XII Congreso Centroamericano de Neurología, Septiembre 01 del 2005.
- Inhibición por prepulso somestesico en sujetos sanos. Comparación con pacientes con enfermedad de Parkinson idiopático. González-Sánchez-LE, Dr. Renato Barrios. Trabajo presentado en plataforma en el XII Congreso Centroamericano de Neurología, Septiembre 01 del 2005.
- Año 2008
- Asistencia American Academy of Neurology 58th Annual Meeting in San Diego California. April 1 – 8, 2006.
- Autonomic evaluation curse
- Curso de EMG 2.
- Asistencia American Academy of Neurology 59th Annual Meeting (A0120469) in Boston MA USA. Abril, 2007.
- Curso de EMG 1 (2AC005).
- Curso de Video EEG monitoring in the neurological practice: Tolls Techniques and application (4PC.003).
- Asistencia al 61st Annual meeting of America Epilepsy Society in Philadelphia PA Nov, 2007.
- Asistencia al American Academy of Neurology 60th Annual Meeting (A0159121).
- Curso de Electromiografía semicuantitativa.
- Curso de Electromiografía semicuantitativa.
- Año 2009
- Publicaciones:
- Neurophysiology study of the carpal tunnel syndrome in the non-dominat hand Creaciencia 2009;(9):6-15.
- Apnea central en sueño. Creaciencia, 2010;(10).
- Cursos:
- Master en electrodiagnóstico neurológico titulo universitario otorgado por la Universidad de Barcelona. Periodo 20 a 30 de abril del 2009.
- Ponencias:
- Conferencista con el tema: “Comprendiendo los mecanismos y el tratamiento del dolor neuropatico” Presentado en el XXVII congreso nacional de Medicina Interna celebrado en San Salvador, enre el 21 a 23 de mayo del 2009.
- Presentacion de estudios de investigación en el XXVII CONGRESO NACIONAL DE MEDICINA INTERNA, 2009:
- Encefalitis de Rasmussen: Encefalitis cronica focal reporte de un caso, correlacion clínico-video-eeg y patologia.
- Síndrome del túnel del carpo en la mano no dominante.
- Apnea central de sueño.
- Publicaciones:
- Año 2010
- Entrenamiento en programación y macroestimulacion de DBS en enfermedes del movimiento, Micromar, Sao Pablo, Brazil.
- Postgrado en electrodiagnostico neurológico en transtornos del movimiento, sueño, epilepsia y neurofisiología intraoperatoria, diplomado de la universidad de Barcelona, 20 creditos, 2010.
- Año 2011
- Asistencia a la 63er American Academy of Neurology Annual Meeting abril 2011.
- AAN 2011 Rapid Quantitation in EMG disorders 3 FC,005;
- Movement disorders evaluation and treatment of Parkinson Disease” S 33.
- “Psycogenic Movement disorders“ 7SM.003.
- “Deep Brain Stimulations Management” 8AC.002.
- “Canalith Repositioning for Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vértigo” 6 SM. 004.
- Año 2012
- Estudio neurofisiologico de pacientes con bruximo comparado con sujetos sanos: Estudio prospectivo controlado, descriptivo, analitico, grupo control. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/306013330_ESTUDIO_NEUROFISIOLOGICO_EN_PACIENTES_BRUXOMANOS_CORRELACION_CLINICA_NEUROFISIOLOGICA
- Realización de la selección y control de macroestimulación intraoperatoria del 5º paciente para cirugía funcional colocando DBS en el núcleo subtalámico. Paciente con enfermedad de Parkinson con resultados post operatorios satisfactorios.
- Desarrollo del curso de educación médica continuada para la asociación de medicina interna de El Salvador, periodo 2012-2013.
- Asistencia al curso de enfermedades autoinmunes realizado en Costa Rica, junio del 2012.
- Ponencia: “Estudios de imágenes y gabinete en deterioro cognitivo” en el XXX congreso nacional de medicina interna de El salvador, 27 de julio del 2012.
- Jurado de trabajos libres del XXX congreso de medicina interna del El Salvador 27-29 de Julio del 2012.
- Año 2013
- Dirección coordinación y ejecución de curso de actualización de neurología para internista con 3 unidades valorativas de la ley de COMCES: curso de 30 horas.
- Inicio del programa de estimulación cerebral no invasiva (rTMS) para pacientes con migraña crónica resistente a tratamiento, 5 pacientes.
- Inicio del trabajo de investigación: "Estudio neurofisiológico en pacientes con bruxismo".
- Ponente magistral de cefaleas crónicas resistentes a tratamiento a impartirse en el XXXI congreso nacional de medicina interna del El Salvador a realizarse en el taller de cefaleas en el salón Real Roble
Sábado 22 de junio, 2013. - CME Credit Award: 4.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits for performing Self-Guided continuum medical educational activities during the period 10/03/2013 to 12/12/2013 Using Med Link, Neurology.
- Antibiotic Use in Hospitals: An Interactive CME Curriculum for Hospitalists, Patient Cases: Mrs. AR, Mr. FY on 08-Nov-13 and is awarded 1 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™. By Albert Einstein College Medicine.
- A Case Study in MRSA Bacteremia at www.realcme.com on 30-Oct-13 and is awarded 0.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit By Albert Einstein College Medicine.
- Mia Visit 1: A 35-year-old woman with recent history of pain and swelling in multiple joints and is awarded 1.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™ By Boston University Date Completed: 04-Sep-13 Maximum Credits: 1.0 Total Credits Reported: 1.0
- Año 2014
- Ponente en el XII congreso nacional 2014 República Dominicana Ciudad de Punta cana y representante de la asociación de medicina interna de centro América (AMICAC) y de la asociación de medicina interna de el Salvador (ASOMIES) en la mesa de representantes del congreso. Ponencias accidenté cerebro vascular isquémico agudo y fatiga crónica (disponible en la web:) 8 al 10 de. Mayo 2014.
- Ponente magistral con el tema: 08:25 - 08:50 am Insomnio: abordaje integral Dr. Luis Ernesto González Sánchez El Salvador impartirse en el XXXII congreso nacional de medicina interna del El Salvador, 25 de julio del 2014
- 03-MAY-14 Awarded 1.0 AMA PRA category 1 credit (S) tm Ultimate medical Academy certifies that Luis Ernesto Gonzalez Sánchez has participated in the enduring web activity titled: “Sara Visit 1: A 54 woman with recent history of memory loss”
- 15-MAY-14 Awarded 0.5 AMA PRA category 1 credits tm. Statement of participation of postgraduate Institute for medicine: Certifies that Luis Ernesto González Sánchez MD MD, has participated in the enduring material titled: “Hospital consultation in hyponatremia: Appropriate diagnosis and effective treatment to improve patient outcome”
- 08-MAR-2014. Maximum credit(s) 0.75 total credits reported. Med Learning Group Certifies that Luis Ernesto González Sánchez has participated in the enduring web activity titled: “Ramon visit 1: A 65 y, man with cardiometabolic risk factor”
- 10-12 de Julio de 2014. Ponente para la Asociación de Ciencias Neurológicas de El Salvador (ACNES) con el auspicio de “International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society” (MDS), está organizando el “CONGRESO NEUROLOGÍA EL SALVADOR-2014”, que se realizó los días 10-12 de Julio de 2014, en el Hotel Crown Plaza de San Salvador, El Salvador. En el III-Curso internacional de neurología práctica para no-neurólogos con la ponencia titulada: “Trastornos del sueño: Manejo integral para el médico no-neurólogo "
- 01 agosto 2014 Potente de XXXII Congreso nacional de Medicina Interna de El Salvador y I congreso internacional de Medina clínica con el tema: "Insomnio Abordaje integral "
- 15 de noviembre del 2014. Ponente al XII Congreso de Medicina Interna Centro Americano y del Caribe con el tema: “Fatiga abordaje y tratamiento” impartida en Punta Cana Republica Dominicana hotel Barceló.
- 11-17 de noviembre del 2014 al. Entrenamiento en Aplicación de Botox para neuropatías del trigémino y músculo Pterigoideo interno en el Hospital Nacional Rafael Ángel Calderón La Guardia en San José Costa Rica. Coordinado con Allergan, El Salvador.
- Investigador Principal del estudio multicéntrico Internacional, 2009-2014, (Centro 10687, El Salvador): “Estudio Clínico Randomizado, a Doble Ciego, con Grupos Paralelos, Multicéntrico, Comparativo, con Dosis Flexibles de Pregabalina Comparado con Gabapentina como Terapia Adjunta para Sujetos con Convulsiones Parciales”. (Protocolo No. A0081143. Fase IV).
- Países participantes en el estudio:
- Bulgaria Guatemala.
- China India.
- Costa Rica Pakistan.
- El Salvador Perú.
- España Portugal.
- Eslovaquia.
- Países participantes en el estudio:
- Año 2015
- Mayo: Re-elección por Tercer periodo consecutivo para dos años 2015-2017 vocal de Educación medica continua para la Asociación de Medica Interna de El Salvador Por mandato de la nueva junta directiva ASOMIES mayo del 2015
- 4 Junio 2015 Ponencia al XXXV congreso de Neurología, coordinación del curso de Neurología con la ponencia: “Examen neurológico y abordaje de caídas en la tercera edad.
- 5 Julio 2015. Ponencia al IV Congreso Internacional de Neurología para No-Neurólogos impartido en el hotel Crown Plaza con el tema: “Apneas de Sueño e insomnia resistente a tratamiento”
- 6 Julio 2015. Presentación del Programa de estimulación cerebral profunda revisión de 3 casos intervenidos exitosamente en El Salvador.
- 10 Agosto/2015. Inicia el programa de educación médica contínua de duración de 80 semanas actividad educacional de la Asociación de medina interna del El Salvador.
- Año 2016
- Enero a junio
- Enero 0.8 Créditos CME-actualización de ASOMIES en medicina critica.
- Febrero: 0.8 Créditos CME-actualización de ASOMIES en emergencias en cardiología y Neurología (Ponente).
- Abril: 0.8 Créditos CME -actualizaciones ASOMIES en neumología.
- Attending to The 68th AAN Annual Meeting was April 15-21, 2016, at the Vancouver Convention Centre in Vancouver, BC, Canada. 50 credit Unit completed.
- Abril 22, Post inhibit potentiation EMG activity in Blepharospasm.
- Mayo. 0.8 Credits CME por actualización de ASOMIES en insulinizacion.
- 18/05/2016 to 6/8/2016. CME Credit Award MedLink Corporation hereby awards Luis Ernesto Gonzalez Sanchez 4 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ for performing self-guided continuing medical education activities during the period 5/18/2016 to 6/8/2016 using MedLink® Neurology.
- 05/05/2016. 1.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit tm, Award Epocrates CME, topic in Neurology. Title: “Optimizing differential diagnosis and treatment strategies for headaches and migraines”.
- 28/05/2016 Ponencia en el VI congresos nacionales de neurocirugía. Hotel Crown, colonia Escalón, San Salvador. Tema: “Terapia con células madres en Neurología, mitos, realidades, fracaso actual y futuro”.
- Junio 0.8 créditos CME-actualización de ASOMIES en dermatología.
- Julio, 7,8 y 9 2016. Participación como ponente al XXXIV congreso nacional de Medicina Interna y III congreso de Medicina Clínica
- Enero a junio
- Año 2017
- April 22-28, 2017. Atending to The 69th AAN Annual Meeting was, at the Boston Convention Center Boston, USA.
- 6/23/2017AMA PRA Category 1 Credits. Date Title of Course AMA PRA Category 1 Credits TM 6/23/2017 NeuroSAE Vascular: Second Edition 8.00
- 4/28/2017 Annual Meeting C223 Movement Disorders for the General Neurologist I: Diagnosis and Management of Parkinsonian Disorders 2.00
- 4/28/2017Annual Meeting C242 Sleep for the Practicing Neurologist II: Night Fighting: Sleep Related Hypermotor Epilepsy, Sleepwalking, and Dream Enactment 2.00
- 4/28/2017 Annual Meeting PL7 Neurology Year in Review Plenary Session 2.25.
- 4/27/2017Annual Meeting C197 Interpreting Sleep Study Procedure(s), Data, and Reports: What the Nonsleep Specialist Needs to Know 2.00 4/27/2017Annual Meeting C201 Multiple Sclerosis Overview I: Clinical Pearls 3.00 4/27/2017Annual Meeting C215 Canalith Repositioning for Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
- 2.00 4/27/2017 Annual Meeting PL6 Controversies in Neurology Plenary Session.
- 2.25 4/26/2017Annual Meeting C153 Alzheimer's Dementia: Diagnosis and Treatment 2.00 4/26/2017Annual Meeting C158 Comprehensive Migraine Education Program I: Diagnosis, Risk Factors, and Neurobiology 2.00 4/26/2017 Annual Meeting C173 Comprehensive Migraine Education Program II: Behavioral and Psychological Aspects, Preventative Pharmacology, and Treatment Advances
- 2.00 4/26/2017 Annual Meeting PL5 Frontiers in Neuroscience Plenary Session.
- 2.25 4/25/2017Annual Meeting C112 Stroke in Young Adults and Women 2.00
- Julio, 6 al 8 2017. Participación como ponente al XXXIV congreso nacional de Medicina Interna y III congreso de Medicina Clínica con el tema Disfunción autonómica en pacientes diabéticos. Jurado de trabajos libres. Participación en el curso de investigación clínica.
- Año 2018
- Luis Ernesto Gonzalez Sanchez, MD
AAN ID # 152560
The American Academy of Neurology (AAN) acknowledges that the above named person has completed the educational activities indicated below.
AMA PRA Category 1 Credits ™
Date Product Title of Activity CME - 4/25/2018 Annual Meeting C142 Mastering EMG Waveform Recognition Skills in Just Two Hours! 2.00.
- 4/25/2018 Annual Meeting C144 Neurology Update I: Epilepsy, Behavioral Neurology, and Neurologic Infections 2.00.
- 4/25/2018 Annual Meeting C147 Multiple Sclerosis Therapy: Disease modifying Treatment II 2.00.
- 4/26/2018 Annual Meeting C180 Principles of Genomic Medicine: Clinical Exome Sequencing in Neurologic Disease 2.00.
- 4/26/2018 Annual Meeting C192 Clinical EMG II: Neuromuscular Junction Testing and Quantitative EMG 2.00.
- 4/26/2018 Annual Meeting C206 Clinical EMG III: Nerve Conduction Criteria and Electrodiagnostic Approaches 2.00.
- 4/26/2018 Annual Meeting C210 Case Studies: Unusual Diagnostic and Management of Cases in Neuromuscular Disease 3.00.
- 4/26/2018 Annual Meeting PL6 Controversies in Neurology Plenary Session 2.25.
- 4/27/2018 Annual Meeting C219 the Early Onset dementias 2.00.
- 4/27/2018 Annual Meeting C230 Neurologic Complications of Medical and Surgical Therapies 2.00.
- 4/27/2018 Annual Meeting C237 Neurologic Complications of Medical Disease 2.00.
- 4/27/2018 Annual Meeting PL7 Neurology Year in Review: Emerging Therapies Plenary Session 2.25.
Date Title of Course AMA Category Format Credits
Total AAN CME Credits: 64.00 - 8 de junio del 2018. Ponente al 36ª Congreso Nacional de Medicina Interna del El Salvador, junio del 2018 con los temas: 1. VCN y EMG. Hotel Crown Plaza. Salón Sunzal.
- Jueves 7 de junio del 2018, de 2:30 a 2:55 pm. Ponente con un caso clínico: “Caso clínico interactivo: Sincope de origen Neurológico vs Cardiogénico”. Hotel Crowne Plaza. Salón Costa del Sol y Sunzal. Viernes 8 de junio del 2018, de 10:30 a 11:10 am.
- 19 de mayo del 2018. Ponente al XXI Congreso de Medicina de la Universidad Dr. José Matías Delgado a realizarse en el tema: “Monitoreo electroencefalográfico invasivo y cirugía en epilepsias”; a realizarse el día sábado 19 de mayo del 2018, de las 8:00 AM a las 8:45 AM. Hotel Crowne Plaza.
- 20 de mayo del 2018: Ponente en la “Jornada de abordaje y tratamiento farmacológico de insomnio”. Colegio Médico del El Salvador y el Instituto de Neurociencias de El Salvador.
- 25 al 29 de junio. Pasantia de 5 dias para el abordaje integral de esclerosis múltiple en el Instituto de Neurociencias de Buenos Aires, Argentina con el Profesor Dr. Fernando Cáceres, Director.
- 07/09/2018: Credit NeuroSAE, 2018. Annual Meeting of Neurology, Edition, Vol 10, Issue-3, CME:10 unit.
- July 23, 2018, Title of Course Neurology: Volume 91, Number 4, July 24, 2018.
Exam #1 - Noninvasive vagus nerve stimulation as acute therapy for migraine: The randomized PRESTO study; AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™: 0.75. - July 22, 2018, Title of Course: Neurology: Volume 90, Number 20, May 15, 2018.
Exam #2 - Mediterranean diet and 3-year Alzheimer brain biomarker changes in middle-aged adults, AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™: 0.75. - July 24, 2018, Title of Course : Neurology: Volume 91, Number 4, July 24, 2018.
Exam #2 - Urinary cadmium concentration and the risk of ischemic stroke.
AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™: 0.75. - July 30, 2018 Title of Course Neurology: Volume 90, Number 17, April 24, 2018.
Exam #1 - Dorsal and ventral horn atrophy is associated with clinical outcome after spinal cord injury, AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™: 0.75. - July 31, 2018, Title of Course: Neurology: Volume 91, Number 5, July 31, 2018.
Exam #1 - Association of statin use with spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage: A cohort Study AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ : 0.75. - August 20, 2018, Neurology: Volume 91, Number 7, August 14, 2018.
Exam #1 - Hypoglossal nerve stimulation on sleep and level of alertness in OSA: A preliminary study. AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ 0.75. - August 21, 2018, Neurology: Volume 91, Number 8, August 21, 2018.
Exam #1 - Thalamic short pulse stimulation diminishes adverse effects in essential tremor patients. AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™: 0.75. - August 28, 2018, Neurology: Volume 91, Number 9, August 28, 2018.
Exam #2 - Phrenic neuropathy and diaphragm dysfunction in neuralgic amyotrophy AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ 0.75. - 2/8/2017 to 12/28/2017, CME Credit Award, MedLink Corporation hereby awards, Luis Gonzalez. AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™.
For performing self-guided continuing medical education activities using : MedLink® Neurology. - 30 de agosto del 2018, Asistencia al curso de patrocinado por Md Pharma de Botox para migraña crónica en Costa Rica Con el Dr. Fidel Sobrino.
- 31 de agosto al 1º de septiembre del 2018, Asistencia al curso de Esclerosis Múltiple y de migrañas patrocinado por Novartis en República Dominicana.
- September 2, 2018, Title of Course Neurology: Volume 91, Number 9, August 28, 2018.
Exam #1 - Increased risk of hospital admission for mood disorders following admission for epilepsy.
AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™: 0.75. - September 7, 2018 - Title of Course Neurology: Volume 91, Number 10, September 4, 2018.
Exam #1 - REM behavior disorder predicts motor progression and cognitive decline in Parkinson disease.br> AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ 0.75. - September 9, 2018 - Title of Course Neurology: Volume 91, Number 10, September 4, 2018.
Exam #2 - Psychophysic-psychological dichotomy in very early acute mTBI pain: A prospective study.br> AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ 0.75. - September 11, 2018 - Title of Course Neurology: Volume 91, Number 11, September 11, 2018.
Exam #1 - Removing high-frequency oscillations: A prospective multicenter study on seizure outcome.br> AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ 0.75. - September 22, 2018 - Title of Course Neurology: Volume 91, Number 12, September 18, 2018.
Exam #2 - Fremanezumab for preventive treatment of migraine: Functional status on headache-free days.br> AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ 0.75. - September 23, 2018 - Title of Course Neurology: Volume 91, Number 12, September 18, 2018.
Exam #1 - Characteristics of motor vehicle crashes associated with seizure: Car crash semiology.br> AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ 0.75. - September 28, 2018 - Title of Course Neurology: Volume 91, Number 13, September 25, 2018.
Exam #1 - Surgery and risk of Guillain-Barre syndrome: A French nationwide epidemiological study.br> AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ 0.75. - September 29, 2018 - Title of Course - Neurology: Volume 91, Number 13, September 25, 2018.
Exam #2 - Antiepileptic drug clearances during pregnancy and clinical implications for women with epilepsy.br> AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ 0.75. - October 2, 2018. - Title of Course Neurology: Volume 91, Number 14, October 2, 2018.
Exam #1 - Longitudinal cognitive and biomarker changes in dominantly inherited Alzheimer disease.
AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™: 0.75. - October 5, 2018. - Title of Course: Neurology: Volume 91, Number 14, October 2, 2018.
Exam #2 - Nusinersen in patients older than 7 months with spinal muscular atrophy type 1: A cohort study.
AMA PRA Category 1 Credits: 0.75. - October 13, 2018 - Title of Course: Neurology: Volume 91, Number 15, October 9, 2018.
Exam #1 - ALS-specific cognitive and behavior changes associated with advancing disease stage in ALS.
AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™: 0.75. - October 3, 2018. - Title of Course: CME Credit Award MedLink Corporation hereby awards to Luis Ernesto González Sánchez MD, Phd for performing Internet Searching and Learning continuing medical education activities during the period 9/12/2018 to 10/03/2018, using MedLink® Neurology.
AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™: 6 - October 16, 2018. - Title: The Massachusetts Medical Society certifies that LUIS ERNESTO GONZALEZ SANCHEZ, MD has participated in the enduring material, titled: MRI-Guided Thrombolysis for Stroke with Unknown Time of Onset Götz Thomalla and Others N Engl J Med 2018;379: 611-622 , August 16, 2018 The Massachusetts Medical Society is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
AMA PRA Category 1 CreditTM: 1.0. - October 30, 2018. - Title of Course Neurology: Volume 91, Number 18, October 30, 2018.
Exam #2 - NIHSS cut point for predicting outcome in supra-vs- infratentorial acute ischemic stroke.
AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™: 0.75. - October 31, 2018. - Title of Course: Volume 91, Number 17, October 23, 2018.
Exam 2: Pregnancy rates and outcomes in women with and without multiple sclerosis in the United States.
AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™: 0.75. - October 30, 2018. - Title of Course: Neurology: Volume 91, Number 18, October 30, 2018.
Exam #1 - Paraneoplastic neuronal intermediate filament autoimmunity.
AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ 0.75. - October 23, 2018. - Title of Course Volume 91, Number 17, October 23, 2018.
Exam 1 Traumatic brain injury associated with dementia risk among patients with type 1 diabetes.
AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™: 0.75.
- Luis Ernesto Gonzalez Sanchez, MD
- CME 2019
The American Academy of Neurology (AAN) acknowledges that the above-named person has completed the educational activities indicated below.
AMA PRA Category 1 Credits ™
- 10/4/2019 Neurology Journal Online - Neurology Issue 93/11 September 10, 2019 Exam #1 - Dual energy CT after stroke thrombectomy alters assessment of hemorrhagic complications 0.75.
- 10/4/2019 Neurology Journal Online - Neurology Issue 93/14 October 1, 2019 Exam #1 - Subcortical heterotopic gray matter brain malformations: Classification study of 107 individuals 0.75.
- 10/3/2019 Neurology Journal Online - Neurology Issue 93/13 September 24, 2019 Exam #1 - Clinical EEG slowing correlates with delirium severity and predicts poor clinical outcomes 0.75.
- 9/16/2019 Neurology Journal Online - Neurology Issue 93/11 September 10, 2019 Exam #2 - Acute vestibular syndrome associated with anti-GQ1b antibody 0.75.
- 9/14/2019 Neurology Journal Online - Neurology Issue 93/10 September 3, 2019 Exam #1 - An observational study on quality of life and preferences to sustain life in locked-in state 0.75.
- 9/8/2019 Neurology Journal Online - Neurology Issue 93/9 August 27, 2019 Exam #1 - Idiopathic inflammatory myopathy: Interrater variability in muscle biopsy reading 0.75.
- 8/24/2019 Neurology Journal Online - Neurology Issue 93/8 August 20, 2019 Exam #2 - Measures of obesity are associated with MRI markers of brain aging: The Northern Manhattan Study 0.75.
- 8/23/2019 Neurology Journal Online - Neurology Issue 93/8 August 20, 2019 Exam #1 - Effect of dalfampridine on information processing speed impairment in multiple sclerosis 0.75.
- 8/21/2019 Neurology Journal Online - Neurology Issue 93/4 July 23, 2019 Exam #1 - Predictors of clinical or cerebral lesion progression in adult moyamoya angiopathy 0.75.
Online cerebral lesion progression in adult moyamoya angiopathy. - 8/20/2019 Neurology Journal Online - Neurology Issue 93/4 July 23, 2019 Exam #3 - Treatment effects and comorbid diseases in 58 patients with visual snow 0.75.
- 5/10/2019 Annual Meeting - C243 - Therapy of Neuromuscular Disease: ALS, Inflammatory Neuropathies and Myopathies, and Myasthenia Gravis 2.00.
- 5/9/2019 Annual Meeting - C215 - Peripheral Neuropathy II: Update on Diabetic, Immune Axonal, and Hematologic-related Neuropathies 2.00.
- 5/9/2019 Annual Meeting - C229 - Peripheral Neuropathy III: Genetic Neuropathies: Molecular Diagnosis and Treatment Perspectives 2.00.
- 5/9/2019 Annual Meeting - C237 - Case Studies: Diagnosis and Management of Unusual Cases in Neuromuscular Disease 3.00.
- 5/9/2019 Annual Meeting - PL6 - Controversies in Neurology Plenary Session 2.25.
- 5/8/2019 Annual Meeting - C167 - Lumbar Radiculopathy, Lumbar Spinal Stenosis, Low Back Pain, and Failed Back Syndrome 2.00.
- 5/8/2019 Annual Meeting - C182 - Neuroimaging for the General Neurologist: Spine 2.00.
- 5/8/2019 Annual Meeting - C192 - Neuromuscular Junction Disorders II: Toxins, Lambert-Eaton Syndrome and Less Common Disorders of Neuromuscular Transmission 2.00.
- 5/8/2019 Annual Meeting - PL5 - Frontiers in Neuroscience Plenary Session 2.25.
- 5/7/2019 Annual Meeting - C127 - Hyperkinetic Movement Disorders: Video diagnosis and Treatment 2.00.
- 5/7/2019 Annual Meeting - C142 - Autoimmune Neurology I Basics and Beyond: Autoimmune.
Encephalitis and Paraneoplastic Neurological Syndromes of the CNS and PNS 2.00. - 5/7/2019 Annual Meeting - C151 - Lewy Body Dementias 2.00.
- 5/7/2019 Annual Meeting - PL4 - Clinical Trials Plenary Session 2.25.
- 5/6/2019 Annual Meeting - C86 – Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorders 2.00.
- 5/6/2019 Annual Meeting - PL3 - Contemporary Clinical Issues Plenary Session 2.25.
- 5/6/2019 Annual Meeting - S17 - Headache: Clinical Trials I 2.00.
- 5/6/2019 Annual Meeting - S18 - Autonomic Disorders 1.25.
- 5/5/2019 Annual Meeting - C38 - Infections of the Nervous System I: Diagnostic Testing of Neurological Infections 2.00.
- 5/5/2019 Annual Meeting - C66 - Infections of the Nervous System III: Advanced Topics in Infectious Neurology 2.00 5/5/2019 Annual Meeting PL2 - Presidential Plenary Session 2.75.
- 5/5/2019 Annual Meeting - S5 - Therapeutics in ALS and SMA 2.00.
- 5/4/2019 Annual Meeting - C16 - Cerebrovascular Disease I: Prevention 2.00.
- 5/4/2019 Annual Meeting - C25 - Clinical Approach to Muscle Disease II: Inflammatory Myopathies and Muscle Pathology 2.00.
- 5/4/2019 Annual Meeting - C29 - Multiple Sclerosis Overview II: Clinical Advances 2.00.
- 5/4/2019 Annual Meeting - C7 - Clinical Pearls in Autoimmune Neurology: Real World Cases 2.00.
- 5/4/2019 Annual Meeting - PL1 - Hot Topics Plenary Session 1.25.
- 1/2/2019 Neurology Journal Online Neurology Issue 92/1 January 1, 2019 Exam #1 - High prevalence of neutralizing antibodies after long-term botulinum neurotoxin therapy 0.75.
- 9/16/2019 Elegido reunión de ACNES como Miembro de la junta directiva de la asociación de ciencias neurológica de El Salvador.
- Año 2021
The American Academy of Neurology (AAN) acknowledges that the above-named person has completed the educational activities indicated below.
AMA PRA Category 1 Credits ™+
Date Product Title of Activity CME
- 5/12/2021 Neurology Journal Online
Neurology Issue 96/6 February 9, 2021 Exam #1 - Autologous Hematopoietic
Stem Cell Transplantation for Stiff-Person Spectrum Disorder: A Clinical Trial 0.75 - 5/10/2021 Neurology Journal Online
Neurology Issue 96/6 February 9, 2021 Exam #2 - Association of Hospital-
Diagnosed Infections and Antibiotic Use With Risk of Developing Guillain-
Barre © Syndrome 0.75 - 4/22/2021 Annual Meeting Neurology Year in Review Plenary Session 2.50
- 4/21/2021 Annual Meeting C78 - Peripheral Neuropathies 1.00
- 4/21/2021 Annual Meeting C82 - Core Principles of Brain Tumors 1.00
- 4/21/2021 Annual Meeting C86 - Atypical Parkinsonisms 1.00
- 4/21/2021 Annual Meeting C90 - Introduction to Primary Headache Disorders: Migraine and Other Primary Headaches, Including Tension-type, Hypnic, Primary Stabbing, Nummular
Headache Syndromes, Epicrania Fugax, and Retinal Migraine 1.00 - 4/21/2021 Annual Meeting Controversies in Neurology Plenary Session 2.25
- 4/20/2021 Annual Meeting C64 - Genetic Therapies for Neurological Diseases: Today and Tomorrow 1.00
- 4/20/2021 Annual Meeting C69 - Motor Neuron Disease 1.00
- 4/20/2021 Annual Meeting C72 - Lewy Body Dementias 1.00 American Academy of Neurology
- 08/Jul/2021 II CONGRESO VIRTUAL XXXVIII Congreso de la Asociación Nacional de Medicina Interna y VII Congreso Internacional de Medicina Clínica. Ponente del congreso con el tema: Actualización de la guía para el anejo temprano para el paciente con ACV isquémico: AHA/ASA.
- 08/julio/2021. Ponente al pre-congreso de: Actualización de la Guías de Manejo AHA/ASA para el manejo temprano del accidente cerebrovascular agudo, para el II congreso virtual de Medicina Interna Salón C Horario: 5:00 a 5:25 p.m. (hora El Salvador). Ver Video.
- 4 de jul. de 2021. Completed Credits 0.75 Accreditation AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ Provider by The American Academy of Neurology. Neurology: Volume 96, Number 24, June 15, 2021 Exam #1 - Early Risk of Readmission Following Hospitalization for Reversible Cerebral Vasoconstriction Syndrome. American Academy of Neurology
- 5 de jul. de 2021. Completed Credits 0.75 Accreditation AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ Provider by The American Academy of Neurology. Neurology: Volume 96, Number 24, June 15, 2021 Exam #2 - Mediterranean Diet, Alzheimer Disease Biomarkers, and Brain Atrophy in Old Age American Academy of Neurology
- 7 de jul. de 2021. Completed Credits 0.75 Accreditation AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ Provider by The American Academy of Neurology. Neurology: Volume 97, Number 1, July 6, 2021 Exam #1 - Association of Central Hypersomnia and Fatigue in Patients With Multiple Sclerosis: A Polysomnographic Study. American Academy of Neurology
- 8 de jul. de 2021. Completed Credits 0.75 Accreditation AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ Provider by The American Aca Neurology: Volume 97, Number 1, July 6, 2021 Exam #2 - Clinical, Neuroimmunologic, and CSF Investigations in First Episode Psychosis. American Academy of Neurology.
- 14 de jul. de 2021. Completed Credits 0.75 Accreditation AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ Provider by The American Academy of Neurology. Neurology: Volume 97, Number 2, July 13, 2021 Exam #1 - Location of Subcortical Microbleeds and Recovery of Consciousness After Severe Traumatic Brain Injury. American Academy of Neurology
- 14 de jul. de 2021. Completed Credits 0.75 Accreditation AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ Provider by The American Academy of Neurology. Neurology: Volume 97, Number 2, July 13, 2021 Exam #2 - Natural History of Afferent Baroreflex Failure in Adults. American Academy of Neurology
- 20 de jul. de 2021. Completed Credits 0.75 Accreditation AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ Provider by The American Academy of Neurology. Neurology: Volume 97, Number 3, July 20, 2021 Exam #1 - Reversible Cerebral Vasoconstriction Syndrome: Symptoms, Incidence, and Resource Utilization in a Population-Based US Cohort. American Academy of Neurology
- 20 de jul. de 2021. Completed Credits 0.75 Accreditation AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ Provider by The American Academy of Neurology. Neurology: Volume 97, Number 3, July 20, 2021 Exam #2 - Association of Type 1 Diabetes and Hypoglycemic and Hyperglycemic Events and Risk of Dementia. American Academy of Neurology
- 28 de jul. de 2021 Completed Credits 0.75 Accreditation AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ Provider by The American Academy of Neurology. Neurology: Volume 97, Number 4, July 27, 2021 Exam #2 - Clinical and Radiologic Features, Pathology, and Treatment of Baló Concentric Sclerosis. American Academy of Neurology
- 31 de jul. de 2021 Completed Credits 0.75 Accreditation AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ Provider by The American Academy of Neurology. Neurology: Volume 97, Number 4, July 27, 2021 Exam #1 - Association of Aortic Stiffness With Biomarkers of Neuroinflammation, Synaptic Dysfunction, and Neurodegeneration. American Academy of Neurology
- Completed Accreditation Credits: Accreditation Type Total Credits Claimed AMA PRA Category I July/2021: 7.50
- 23-25/sept/2021. II Organizador y moderador del II Congreso virtual de la Asociación de ciencias Neurológicas de El Salvador (ACNES) con cede en San Salvador.
- August 2, 2021 Completed Credits 0.75 the Title of Course AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ Neurology: Volume 97, Number 5, August 3, 2021. Exam #1 – Title: Enterovirus Meningitis in Adults: A Prospective Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study.
- August 2, 2021 completed Credits 0.75 of Course AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™Neurology: Volume 97, Number 5, August 3, 2021 Exam #2 – Title: Psychiatric Disorders in Children and Adolescents with Psychogenic Nonepileptic Seizures.
- August 11, 2021 Completed Credits 0.75 of Course AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ Neurology: Volume 97, Number 6, August 10, 2021 Exam #2 – Title: Seizure Control in Neonates Undergoing Screening vs Confirmatory EEG Monitoring.
- August 15, 2021 Completed Credits 0.75 Title of Course AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ Neurology: Volume 97, Number 6, August 10, 2021 Exam #1 –Title: Safety and Efficacy of Coma Induction Following First-Line Treatment in Status Epilepticus: A 2-Center Study.
August 18, 2021. Completed Credits 0.75 of Course AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ Neurology: Volume 97, Number 7, August 17, 2021 Exam #1 – Title: Prospective Evaluation of Health Care Provider and Patient Assessments in Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neurotoxicity. - August 20, 2021 Completed 0.75 of Course AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ Neurology: Volume 97, Number 7, August 17, 2021 Exam #2 –Title: Efficacy of Home Anticonvulsant Administration for Second-Line Status Epilepticus Treatment.
- August 24, 2021 Completed 0.75 of Course AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ Neurology: Volume 97, Number 8, August 24, 2021 Exam #1 –Title: Safety and Outcomes of Thrombectomy in Ischemic Stroke With vs Without IV Thrombolysis.
- August 29, 2021 Completed 0.75 of Course AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ Neurology: Volume 97, Number 8, August 24, 2021 Exam #2 – Title: Skeletal Muscle and Peripheral Nerve Histopathology in COVID-19.
- August 18, 2021 Complete 0.75 of Course AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ Neurology: Volume 97, Number 7, August 17, 2021 Exam #1 – Title: Prospective Evaluation of Health Care Provider and Patient Assessments in Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neurotoxicity.
- Total Credits 08/01/2021 – 08/29/2021
Claimed AMA PRA Category 1: 6.00
- 08/31/2021 Neurologic Complications of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (Neuroinfectious 10-04-07
LECTURE PRE/POST-TEST CREDITS 100% 100% Credits: 1.00. - 08/31/2021 Infections of the Peripheral Nervous System (Neuroinfectious Disease August 2021) 10-04-06 LECTURE PRE/POST-TEST CREDITS: 100% / 100% Credits: 0.75.
- 08/31/2021 Infections of the Spine and Spinal Cord (Neuroinfectious Disease August 2021) 10-04-05
LECTURE PRE/POST-TEST CREDITS: 100% / 100% Credits: 0.75. - 08/29/2021 Neurologic Manifestations of SARS-CoV-2 Infection (Neuroinfectious disease August 10-04-04 LECTURE PRE/POST-TEST CREDITS : 86% / 86% Credits: 1.50.
- 08/15/2021 Meningitis (Neuroinfectious Disease August 2021) 10-04-02 50%
LECTURE PRE/POST-TEST CREDITS: 100% / 100% Credit: 0.75. - 08/23/2021 Approach to Neurologic Infections (Neuroinfectious Disease August 2021) 10-04-01
LECTURE PRE/POST-TEST CREDITS: 40% / 80% Credits: 0.75
- 5/12/2021 Neurology Journal Online
- Ver Acreditación.
- Neurology: Volume 97, Number 17, October 26, 2021 Exam #2 - Association of Prestroke Glycemic Control With Vascular Events During 1-Year Follow-up. American Academy of Neurology.
- Neurology: Volume 97, Number 17, October 26, 2021 Exam #1 - Comparing Perimenstrual and Nonperimenstrual Migraine Attacks Using an e-Diary. American Academy of Neurology.
- Neurology: Volume 97, Number 16, October 19, 2021 Exam #1 - Atrial Fibrillation, Stroke, and Silent Cerebrovascular Disease: A Population-Based MRI Study. American Academy of Neurology.
- Neurology: Volume 97, Number 15, October 12, 2021 Exam #1 - Longitudinal Assessment of Strength, Functional Capacity, Oropharyngeal Function, and Quality of Life in Oculopharyngeal Muscular Dystrophy. American Academy of Neurology.
Accreditation Type Total Credits Claimed
AMA PRA Category 1 3.00
Publication Total Credits Claimed
American Academy of Neurology 3.00
- November/2021 Credits, Summary
- Neurology: Volume 97, Number 22, November 30, 2021 Exam #1 - Temporal Trends in Ischemic Stroke Rates by Ethnicity, Sex, and Age (2000–2017): The Brain Attack Surveillance in Corpus Christi Project
American Academy of Neurology - Neurology: Volume 97, Number 21, November 23, 2021 Exam #2 - Defining Speech Subtypes in De Novo Parkinson Disease: Response to Long-term Levodopa Therapy
American Academy of Neurology - Neurology: Volume 97, Number 20, November 16, 2021 Exam #2 - Association of Age at Onset With Gray Matter Volume and White Matter Microstructural Abnormalities in People With Multiple Sclerosis
American Academy of Neurology - Neurology: Volume 97, Number 20, November 16, 2021 Exam #1 - Preoperative REM Sleep Behavior Disorder and Subthalamic Nucleus Deep Brain Stimulation Outcome in Parkinson Disease 1 Year After Surgery
American Academy of Neurology - Neurology: Volume 97, Number 19, November 9, 2021 Exam #2 - Epidemiology, Clinical Features, and Outcome in a Cohort of Adolescents With Cerebral Venous Thrombosis
American Academy of Neurology - Neurology: Volume 97, Number 19, November 9, 2021 Exam #1 - Serum Neurofilament Light Association With Progression in Natalizumab-Treated Patients With Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis
American Academy of Neurology - Neurology: Volume 97, Number 18, November 2, 2021 Exam #2 - Spontaneous ARIA-Like Events in Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy–Related Inflammation: A Multicenter Prospective Longitudinal Cohort Study
American Academy of Neurology - Neurology: Volume 97, Number 18, November 2, 2021 Exam #1 - Biomarkers for Atrial Fibrillation Detection After Stroke: Systematic. Review and Meta-Analysis
American Academy of Neurology - Neurology: Volume 97, Number 17, October 26, 2021 Exam #2 - Association of Prestroke Glycemic Control With Vascular Events During 1-Year Follow-up
Completed Credits: Credits 0.75/Curse
Accreditation AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
Provider The American Academy of Neurology
Publication Total Credits Claimed
Completed Accreditation Credits
American Academy of Neurology 6.75
- Mes de diciembre 2021
- AMA PRA Category 1 Credits ™ Title of Activity CME Neurology Journal Online Neurology
- December 14, 2021 Exam #1 - Neurofascin-155 Immunoglobulin Subtypes: Clinicopathologic Associations and Neurologic Outcomes Credits: 0.75, 12/11/2021
- December 7, 2021 Exam #2 - Life Expectancy in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy: Reproduced Individual Patient Data Meta[1]analysis. Credits: 0.75, 12/10/2021
- December 7, 2021 Exam #1 - Association of Body Mass Index in Adolescence and Young Adulthood and Long-term Risk of Multiple Sclerosis: A Population-Based Study 0.75, 12/5/2021
- November 30, 2021 Exam #2 - Small Fiber Neuropathy Incidence, Prevalence, Longitudinal Impairments, and Disability 0.75
Total CME Credits: 3.00 - CONTINUUM AUDIO
- 12/31/2021 Memory Dysfunction (Behavioral Neurology and Psychiatry December 2021) Performance preTest 25%, Performance postTest 100% Credits: 0.75
- 12/12/2021 Language and Aphasias (Behavioral Neurology and Psychiatry December 2021)
Performance preTest 40%, Performance postTest 100% Credits: 0.75
- CME WebMD Global. Certifies that Luis Ernesto González Sánchez, 503 has participate in the educational activity titled: “Multiple Sclerosis Education Blitz: Interpreting Recent Advances in C-Cell-Targeted therapies, December 30, 2021. CPD credits 0.25
Año 2022-2023
The American Academy of Neurology (AAN) acknowledges that the above-named person has completed the educational activities indicated below.
AMA PRA Category 1 Credits ™
- Date: 5/08/2023
Product Neurology Journal Online
Title of Activity: Neurology Issue 100/17 April 25, 2023 Exam #2 - Pioglitazone Use and Reduced Risk of Dementia in Patients With Diabetes Mellitus With a History of Ischemic Stroke
CME: 0.75 - Date: 5/6/2023
Product Neurology Journal Online:
Title of Activity: Neurology Issue 100/17 April 25, 2023 Exam #1 - Interrater Reliability of Expert Electroencephalographers Identifying Seizures and Rhythmic and Periodic Patterns in EEGs
CME: 0.75 - Date: 4/27/2023
Product Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: C203 - Spanish Language: Neurocritical Care
CME: 2.00 - Date: 4/27/2023
Product Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: N6 - Neuroscience in the Clinic: Myasthenia Gravis: From Pathogenesis to Targeted Therapies
CME: 2.00 - Date: 4/27/2023
Product Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: PL7 - Neurology Year in Review Plenary Session
CME: 2.25 - Date: 4/27/2023
Product Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: C161 - Parkinson's Disease: Assessment and Management
CME: 2.00 - Date: 4/26/2023
Product Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: C174 - Deep Brain Stimulation
CME: 2.00 - Date: 4/26/2023
Product Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: C130 - Parasomnias Including REM Behavior Disorder
CME: 2.00 - Date: 4/26/2023
Product Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: C146 - Sleep Apnea
CME: 2.00 - Date: 4/26/2023
Product Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: C111 - Multiple Sclerosis Disease-modifying Treatment
CME: 2.00 - Date: 4/24/2023
Product Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: C67 - Clinical EMG 2: Case-based Clinical Applications of Nerve Conduction Studies and Needle Electromyography
CME: 2.00 - Date: 4/24/2023
Product: Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: C89 - Case Studies in Integrative Neurology: New Approaches to Challenging Neurologic Conditions
CME: 1.00 - Date: 4/24/2023
Product: Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: C95 - Autoimmune Neurology: Peripheral Nervous System
CME: 2.00 - Date: 4/24/2023
Product: Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: PL4 - Contemporary Clinical Issues Plenary Session
CME: 1.75 - Date: 4/23/2023
Product: Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: C37 - Global Infectious Diseases
CME: 2.00 - Date: 4/23/2023
Product: Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: C39 - Clinical Approach to Sleep Disorders
CME: 2.00 - Date: 4/23/2023
Product: Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: C40 - Atypical Parkinsonism
CME: 2.00 - Date: 4/23/2023
Product: Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: C48 - Diagnosis and Current Management of Cluster Headache and Other Primary Headache Disorders
CME: 2.00 - Date: 4/23/2023
Product: Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: PL3 - Presidential Plenary Session
CME: 2.75 - Date: 4/23/2023
Product: Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: C1 - Neuroimaging for the General Neurologist: Spine
CME: 2.00 - Date: 4/23/2023
Product: Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: C11 - Infections of the Nervous System 2
CME: 2.00 - Date: 4/23/2023
Product: Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: C12 - Movement Disorders: Huntington's Disease
CME: 2.00 - Date: 4/23/2023
Product: Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: C13 - Acute Seizure Management
CME: 2.00 - Date: 4/23/2023
Product: Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: C14 - Drugs and Toxin-induced Neurologic Emergencies/CNS Toxicities
CME: 2.00 - Date: 4/23/2023
Product: Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: C15 - Evaluation and Management of Autonomic Disorders: Autonomic Testing, Failure, and Peripheral Neuropathies
CME: 2.00 - Date: 4/23/2023
Product: Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: C16 - Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Neurologist: New Horizons
CME: 2.00 - Date: 4/23/2023
Product: Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: C17 - Diagnosis and Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis in Diverse Populations
CME: 2.00 - Date: 4/23/2023
Product: Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: C18 - Basic Science: Neuropharmacology
CME: 4.00 - Date: 4/23/2023
Product: Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: C2 - Infections of the Nervous System 1
CME: 2.00 - Date: 4/23/2023
Product: Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: C20 - Essentials of Acute Treatment and Prevention of Ischemic Stroke
CME: 2.00 - Date: 4/23/2023
Product: Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: C22 - Infections of the Nervous System 3: Parasites, Fungi, and Amoebas, Oh My: A Case-based Learning Approach to NeuroID
CME: 2.00 - Date: 4/23/2023
Product: Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: C23 - Multiple Sclerosis Overview
CME: 2.00 - Date: 4/23/2023
Product: Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: C25 - Clinical Pearls: Learning from Complex Cases Simple Lessons that Apply to Everyday Problems
CME: 2.00 - Date: 4/23/2023
Product: Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: C28 - Evolving Concepts in Psychiatry and Epilepsy: Acute and Chronic Management
CME: 2.00 - Date: 4/23/2023
Product: Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: C29 - Case Studies: Challenging Headache Cases
CME: 2.00 - Date: 4/23/2023
Product: Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: C3 - EEG: Focal, Diffuse, and Epileptiform Abnormalities in Adults
CME: 2.00 - Date: 4/23/2023
Product: Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: C30 - Case Studies: Unusual Movement Disorders
CME: 2.00 - Date: 4/23/2023
Product: Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: C31 - Case Studies: Dementia
CME: 2.00 - Date: 4/23/2023
Product: Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: C32 - Case Studies: Challenging Acute Ischemic Stroke Cases
CME: 2.00 - Date: 4/23/2023
Product: Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: C34 - Case Studies: Diagnosis and Management of Unusual Cases in Neuromuscular Disease
CME: 2.00 - Date: 4/23/2023
Product: Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: C35 - Case Studies: Test Your Knowledge: A Case-based Approach to Neuroimaging
CME: 2.00 - Date: 4/23/2023
Product: Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: C4 - Drug-induced Movement Disorders
CME: 2.00 - Date: 4/23/2023
Product: Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: C7 - Neurology Update
CME: 7.50 - Date: 4/23/2023
Product: Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: C8 - Vascular Dementia
CME: 1.00 - Date: 4/23/2023
Product: Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: C9 - Autoimmune Neurology: Paraneoplastic
CME: 2.00 - Date: 4/23/2023
Product: Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: H12 - Boston "E" Party: A Conversation with Oracle Cerner and Epic on the Future of EHRs and How They Will and Won't Impact the Practice of Neurology (Practice and Policy Hub
CME: 1.00 - Date: 4/23/2023
Product: Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: H13 - Managing Up and Down (Leadership University)
CME: 1.00 - Date: 4/23/2023
Product: Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: H22 - Using Emotional Intelligence to Cultivate Constructive Communication (Leadership University)
CME: 1.00 - Date: 4/23/2023
Product: Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: H23 - Boost Your Impact: Adding Quality to Your Career (Practice and Policy Hub)
CME: 1.00 - Date: 4/23/2023
Product: Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: H6 - Translating Guidelines into Quality Measures: Painful Diabetic Neuropathy (Practice and Policy Hub)
CME: 0.50 - Date: 4/23/2023
Product: Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: Leadership Development Forum
CME: 5.00 - Date: 4/23/2023
Product: Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: N1 - Neuroscience in the Clinic: Predicting, Evaluating, and Modifying Risk of Delirium
CME: … - Date: 4/23/2023
Product: Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: PL2 - Hot Topics Plenary Session
CME: 1.00 - Date: 4/21/2023
Product: Journal Online Neurology
Title of Activity: Neurology Issue 100/16 April 18, 2023 Exam #1 - Changes in White Matter
Microstructure Over 3 Years in People With and Without Stroke
Neurology Issue 100/15 April 11, 2023 Exam #2 - Disease Course and Long- term Outcomes in Pregnant Women With Idiopathic Intracranial
CME: 0.75 - Date: 4/19/2023
Product Neurology Journal Online
Title of Activity: Hypertension: The IIH Prospective Maternal Health Study
Neurology Issue 100/15 April 11, 2023 Exam #1 - Cutaneous a-Synuclein
CME: 0.75 - Date: 4/16/2023
Product Neurology Journal Online
Title of Activity: Signatures in Patients With Multiple System Atrophy and Parkinson Disease
CME: 0.75 - Date: 4/03/2023
Product Neurology Journal Online
Title of Activity: Neurology Issue 100/12 March 21, 2023 Exam #1 - Hazard Perception Skill and Driver Behavior in Patients With Functional Neurologic Disorders
CME: 0.75 - Date: 3/26/2023
Product Neurology Journal Online
Title of Activity: Neurology Issue 100/11 March 14, 2023 Exam #1 - Significance of Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein Antibodies in CSF: A Retrospective Multicenter Study
CME: 0.75 - Date: 12/18/2022
Product Neurology Journal Online
Title of Activity: Neurology Issue 99/24 December 13, 2022 Exam #1 - Association of Carotid Plaque and Flow Velocity With White Matter Integrity in a Middle-aged to Elderly Population
CME: 0.75 - Date: 12/14/2022
Product Neurology Journal Online
Title of Activity: Neurology Issue 99/23 December 6, 2022 Exam #1 - MRI-Visible Perivascular Spaces and Risk of Incident Dementia: The Framingham Heart Study
CME: 0.75 - Date: 12/10/2022
Product Neurology Journal Online
Title of Activity: Neurology Issue 99/22 November 29, 2022 Exam #1 - Association of Time to Clinical Remission With Sustained Resolution in Children With New-Onset Infantile Spasms
CME: 0.75 - Date: 12/10/2022
Product Neurology Journal Online
Title of Activity: Neurology Issue 99/22 November 29, 2022 Exam #2 - Long-term Effectiveness and Safety of Rituximab in Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorder and MOG Antibody Disease
CME: 0.75 - Conference
C24 - Rapidly Progressive Dementia 1.50
C26 - Treatment Approaches for Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis 1.50
C12 - Neurology Update 5: Neuro-ophthalmology and Neurotoxicology 1.50
C14 - Neurology Update 6: Infectious Disease and Neuro-oncology 1.50
C1 - Neurology Update 1: Epilepsy and Headache 1.50
C10 - Hot Topics in Headache 1.50 - Date: 10/28/2022
Product: Fall Conference
Title of Activity: C2 - Neuromuscular Junction Disorders: Myasthenia Gravis, Ocular, and Conference MuSK Myasthenia
CME: 1.50 - Date: 10/28/2022
Product: Fall Conference
Title of Activity: C6 - Neurology Update 3: Neuromuscular Disease and Adolescent/Child
CME: 1.50 - Date: 10/28/2022
Product: Fall Conference
Title of Activity: PL1 - Contemporary Clinical Issues Plenary Session
CME: 1.50 - Date: 10/28/2022
Product: Fall Conference
Title of Activity: V2 - Basic Science: Neuropharmacology 1
CME: 1.00 - Date: 04/26/2022
Product: Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: C28 - Neurology Case Conference: Neuromuscular Disease
CME: 1.00 - Date: 04/26/2022
Product: Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: C39 - Neurodegenerative Disorders (Spanish)
CME: 1.00 - Date: 04/26/2022
Product: Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: PL5 - Frontiers in Neuroscience Plenary Session
CME: 2.50 - Date: 04/26/2022
Product: Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: PL6 - Controversies in Neurology Plenary Session
CME: 1.00 - Date: 04/25/2022
Product: Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: C15 - Neurology Case Conference: Movement Disorders
CME: 1.00 - Date: 04/25/2022
Product: Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: PL3 - Clinical Trials Plenary Session
CME: 2.50 - Date: 04/25/2022
Product: Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: PL4 - Controversies in Neurology Plenary Session
CME: 1.00 - Date: 04/24/2022
Product: Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: C2 - Neurology Case Conference: Dementia
CME: 1.00 - Date: 04/24/2022
Product: Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: PL1 - Presidential Plenary Session
CME: 2.50 - Date: 04/24/2022
Product: Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: PL2 - Controversies in Neurology Plenary Session
CME: 1.00 - Date: 04/07/2022
Product: Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: C150 - EEG: Normal EEG, Normal Variants, and How to Avoid the Common Pitfall of Overreading
CME: 2.00 - Date: 04/07/2022
Product: Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: C160 - Clinical Pearls in Autoimmune Neurology: Real-world Cases
CME: 2.00 - Date: 04/07/2022
Product: Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: C171 - Trombectomía Mecánica: Consejos Prácticos para el Tratamiento de Pacientes con Oclusión de Grandes Vasos (Neuroendovascular)
CME: 2.00 - Date: 04/05/2022
Product: Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: C124 - Neuroimaging for the General Neurologist: Spine
CME: 2.00 - Date: 04/05/2022
Product: Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: C143 - Infections of the Nervous System 3: Encephalitis
CME: 2.00 - Date: 04/05/2022
Product: Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: Frontiers in Neuroscience Plenary Session
CME: 2.25 - Date: 04/05/2022
Product: Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: C101 - New Therapies for Migraine and Other Headache Disorders
CME: 2.00 - Date: 04/05/2022
Product: Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: C110 - Essentials of Acute Treatment and Prevention of Ischemic Stroke
CME: 2.00 - Date: 04/05/2022
Product: Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: Multiple Sclerosis Overview
CME: 2.00 - Date: 04/05/2022
Product: Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: C62 - Alzheimer's Disease
CME: 2.00 - Date: 04/05/2022
Product: Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: C71 - Atypical Parkinsonism
CME: 2.00 - Date: 04/05/2022
Product: Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: Contemporary Clinical Issues Plenary Session
CME: 2.25 - Date: 04/05/2022
Product: Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: S14 - MS Therapeutics
CME: 2.00 - Date: 04/03/2022
Product: Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: C34 - Peripheral Neuropathy: Neuropathies Associated with Rheumatologic and Hematologic Disorders
CME: 2.00 - Date: 04/03/2022
Product: Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: C54 - Vascular Dementia
CME: 2.00 - Date: 04/03/2022
Product: Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: Presidential Plenary Session
CME: 2.75 - Date: 04/03/2022
Product: Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: C1 - Non-motor Parkinson’s Disease Symptoms
CME: 2.00 - Date: 04/03/2022
Product: Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: C11 - Neurology Update
CME: 7.50 - Date: 04/03/2022
Product: Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: C2 - Lewy Body Dementia
CME: 2.00 - Date: 04/02/2022
Product: Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: C30 - Case Studies: Diagnosis and Management of Unusual Cases in Neuromuscular Disease
CME: 2.00 - Date: 04/02/2022
Product: Annual Meeting
Title of Activity: C4 - Low and High Pressure Headache: Clinical Presentation and Approach to Evaluation and Management
CME: 2.00 - Date: 04/02/2022
Product: Annual Meeting Neurology
Title of Activity: Controversies in Neurology Plenary Session
Neurology Issue 98/1 January 4, 2022 Exam #1 - Predictors of Incident Mild
CME: 2.00 - Date: 01/10/2022
Product: Journal Online
Title of Activity: Cognitive Impairment and Its Course in a Diverse Community-Based Population
CME: 0.75
Total: 199.75
Self-Assessment (SA) AMA PRA Category 1 Credits ™
- Date: 10/29/2022
Product: Regional Conference
Title of Activity: C21 - Continuum Test Your Knowledge: A Multiple-choice Question Review 2
CME: 1.50
Total: 1.50
Performance-in-Practice (PIP)
No results
Total AAN CME Credits: 201.25
*= credits earned from this activity fulfill the ABPN PIP clinical requirement
MedLink®, LLC
3525 Del Mar Heights Rd, Ste 304 San Diego, CA 92130-2122
MedLink, LLC certifies that Luis Ernesto González Sánchez met the requirements for a maximum of 10 AMA PRA Category 1 CME Credits™ in the category of internet point-of-care learning by performing the following self-guided continuing medical educational activities during the period Jan 1, 2023–Jun 11, 2023 using MedLink® Neurology at www.medlink.com.
2023 Credit Summary
CME Worklog
- Date: Jun, 11, 2023
Article: Drug-Induced Parasommnias, sleep apnea and restless syndrome
Credits: 0.5 - Date: Jun, 7, 2023
Article: Normal Pressure hydrocephalus
Credits: 0.5 - Date: Jun, 7, 2023
Article: Multiple system atrophy
Credits: 0.5 - Date: May 02, 2023
Article: Myotonic dystrophy
Credits: 0.5 - Date: May 23, 2023
Article: Neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders
Credits: 0.5 - Date: May 18, 2023
Article: Wilson Disease
Credits: 0.5 - Date: May 9, 2023
Article: Frontotemporal dementia
Credits: 0.5 - Date: May 9, 2023
Article: Dementia in Parkinson disease
Credits: 0.5 - Date: Jun, 11, 2023
Article: Parkinson disease
Credits: 0.5 - Date: Apr 28, 2023
Article: Myasthenia gravis
Credits: 0.5 - Date: Apr 24, 2023
Article: Cerebral venous thrombosis
Credits: 0.5 - Date: Apr 22, 2023
Article: Rhinosinus-related headache
Credits: 0.5 - Date: Apr 21, 2023
Article: Herpes simplex encephalitis
Credits: 0.5 - Date: Apr 15, 2023
Article: Rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder
Credits: 0.5 - Date: Apr 15, 2023
Article: Vasculitic neuropathies
Credits: 0.5 - Date: Apr 13, 2023
Article: Herpes zoster oticus
Credits: 0.5 - Date: Mar 29, 2023
Article: Clinical trials in multiple sclerosis
Credits: 0.5 - Date: Mar 27, 2023
Article: Small fiber neuropathies
Credits: 0.5 - Date: Mar 20, 2023
Article: Transient global amnesia
Credits: 0.5 - Date: Mar 20, 2023
Article: Susac syndrome
Credits: 0.5
Link, LLC is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
11/6/23, 00:45 Medscape Education CME Tracker.
Completed: EARNED May-Jun 2023 Category 1
Credit Type: AMA PRA
Provider: Medscape
Core Competence: Medical Knowledge Credit(s)™
- Bringing Sleep Disorders Into Focus: Case Conversations in Insomnia 0.50 Credits
- Considering Health Equity in the Care of Patients With Alzheimer's Disease 0.50 Credits
- Test Your Knowledge: Levodopa-Induced Dyskinesia in Parkinson Disease 0.25 Credits
- 2022 Insomnia Year in Review: Insights Into Optimal Management 0.25 Credits
- Date: 10/29/2022
Product: Regional Conference
Title of Activity: C21 - Continuum Test Your Knowledge: A Multiple-choice Question Review 2
CME: 1.50
- Laboratorio del sueño para detección de ronquidos patológicos (apnea de sueño) valoración y control de tratamientos con ventilación nasal externa (CPAP) narcolepsia e insomnio.
- Laboratorio de neurofisiología: estudios de velocidad de conducción, electromiografía, potenciales evocados auditivos, visuales, somestésicos y motores (MEP).
- Laboratorio de función autonómica (para estudio de sincopes, mareos, desmayos).
- Consulta de neurología: cefaleas, dolor por hernias de disco, dolor neurítico cervical, dolor lumbar, trastornos de movimiento, vértigos (mareos), desmayo, epilepsia y sueño.
- Medico neurólogo consultante de la embajada de los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica desde el año 2006.
- Español
- Inglés
Formas de pagos aceptadas
- Efectivo
- Tarjeta
- Cheque
- Transferencias bancarias
- Money Gram
- Western Unión